Monday, June 8, 2009

Debs update

As my last post stated we had an appointment on Thursday June 4, 2009. As a result she had an infection and the doctor felt it was necessary to admit her to clear the infection. As of today the infection has been cleared and she is scheduled to be released from the hospital tomorrow. She will continue to do her regular scheduled appointments for dialysis and following all necessary doctor appointments. I thank you for all your prayers and support and ask that you continue to pray for my sister which I feel helps make her strong. I also wanted to inform you to look forward to our future fundraisers to come. I will be posting the events on this blog and you will also receive information in the mail.

Thank you

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Deb's update!

I just wanted to update everyone as to where Deb is right now with her treatments. She has not had Chemo since the seizures. Her doctor has requested that she have a CT scan last week and tomorrow we meet with her doctor for the results. Hopefully good news. She is scheduled for chemo tomorrow and she is still having dialysis every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. She now has a kidney and a Neurologist specialist following her treatment as well. She has a very busy schedule and with all your prayers and support my sister will beat this battle.

Thank you and I love you all!


Hair West Salon Fundraiser

Here are some recent photos of the last fundraiser for Deb hosted by Shelly at her salon " Hair West Salon". It was a very wonderful day. Everyone who participated in this event did a fabulous job. My sister truly enjoyed the day and was so happy to see everyone. Debbie and our family would like to thank you for all the hard work and for everyone that came out to participated in this event. We truly appreciate everything that each and everyone of you do. We love you and thank you!